Non-UK Visitors for diy people
Welcome to diydata.com.
Please spend a few minutes reading this page so that you can gain the most from the site.
This site is UK based and provides the source data for numerous 'around the house' activities; carpentry, decorating, information, electrics, general building, outdoors and garden, planning and design, plumbing and tools. It is freely available to visitors on the www and the information can be printed by visitors for their own use. BUT PLEASE REMEMBER, that the details given have generally been written to meet the regulations, materials etc. found in the United Kingdom and the UK is a very small area of the world. It is hoped that pages will be added from around the world and it is intended that such pages will be identified to show the area where they apply (a small country flag at the top of the page - so keep a look out).
The regulations that apply in your country and the materials available may differ from the UK's, so let us know. We have, where possible, included the non-UK distributors of the items mentioned on contributed pages as well as a link to the contributors www site.
Please check your local regulations, material availability etc. to ensure that the work can be legally and safely carried out in you part of the world before using any of the instructions on this site.
If in doubt check with your local representatives, and if still in doubt - don't.
We hope you find this site helpful, if you do - tell a friend but if you are disappointed - please tell us.